Wish to start journaling? But don’t know how? It can be quite overwhelming to turn a page and give it time, but journaling as a practice is has proven to be effective in relaxing and re-focusing your thoughts. Here are 5 things you should remember when you open a fresh book, gather your pens and start scribbling away.

1.You don’t need to break the bank.
Rolls of beautiful washi tape, markers and polaroids will always be a beautiful addition to your journal, but you don’t need fancy stationery to start. A few pens and you’ll be set. There is always a common misconception that maintaining a junk journal is expensive, but the truth is, it will only add up if you get carried away. Stick to a simple routine and if you have the opportunity to splurge a little, invest in a good quality journal or notebook, since that will be the canvas for all your thoughts.
2. Keep it simple
When it comes to the content, where do you start? Inspirational quotes, planning your daily routine and pouring your heart out are common things that people right. Just pen down what you feel like, this will also help you track yourself and reflect on your moods, actions and words. For most people they also enjoy writing on different prompts. Thoughts like, a conversation with your best friend, an anecdote, your favourite recipe etc, are great pieces to ponder about.
3.Save your trinkets
A great way to remember and add value to your journal is by saving those little things along your journey. From bus tickets, to tissues drawings, cards or pressed flowers save all of them and juxtapose it onto your book, add doodles and notes and create a lasting memory.
4.Take it along everywhere.
Imagine having your journal by your side when you get that brilliant idea at 3am or while you’re waiting at the airport, you can literally be prepared for anything. I’ll cure your boredom by having something to fidget with, it’ll help you track your habits and help you get away from interaction as you pretend to be busy while you wish to sip your coffee in peace.
5.Anything can really be a journal.
Although a book is very convenient and provides as great flow to work with, you can make journals of all sorts, it could be a digital diary, an Instagram account, a bunch of postcards where you write poems or even sticky notes. As long as you make it a ritual, give it time and effort and make it a place to express yourself, anything can become YOUR journal.
But if you are a stationery nerd in love the smell of fresh paper and pretty books, get hand-crafted journals from our website at www.ekatra.in , but did you know we also have the perfect kit, that’s pocket friendly? Our special gift bundle is a journalers dream, with an A5 journal, pencils made with recycled newspaper, a beautiful fabric bookmark to adorn your journal, cards and a bamboo envelope to secure your trinkets. Wait there’s something better, all of these handy tools come inside a travel friendly cloth envelope. We can’t wait to see you get on your adventure with journaling and discover all the endless possibilities you can do with just a pen and a book.